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Thursday, 11 June 2020

Welcome to MJVAFRICA....,. What Lord Lugard Said About Igbo, Hausa And Yoruba Pacupdate_G Jun 10, 2020 8:29 AM Lord Lugard was born in 1858 in Madras, India, as missionary parents. He was a British soldier, also an explorer. He was the first governor of Southern Nigeria, in 1912-1914, the first high commissioner, and last governor of Northern Nigeria. He wrote a letter to Walter H. Lang in 1918, which involves the attitude of the three great tribes in Nigeria, and I quote: After spending the best part of my life in Africa, my goal was to improve the people I was ready to give my life to. Look what Mr Lugard says about Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba that seems to be. Hausa; He is a fatalist, spent (spending money excessively) and a gambler. He is seriously immoral and seriously ill. He is a threat to any community he finds, he has no ambitions. Igbo; They are fiercely rebellious without any authority. They are very zealous and very religious. They can be very dangerous to be trusted. Yoruba: I can freely say that Westerners are the lowest, very moral and very unfaithful people. This is best evoked by self-seeking motives of people I met during my stay. Lugard was married to Flora Shaw, a British journalist and writer. She was named Nigeria. From Opera News Hub The views expressed in this article are the writer's, they do not reflect the views of Opera News. Please report any fake news or defamatory statements to feedback-newshub@operanewshub.com Report a problem likesurprise 64 dislike Open in Opera News to see all hot comments kingsOnyeze·21h 14 Reply It shall not be well with Lugard even in the grave. He knows that Housa Fulani is a threat to the rest tribes and he joined them together and handed power over to them. He even knew that Yoruba are unfaithful sabotoas. He should have left every body alone to live in peace as we were before he came. AbubakarMohammedWabi·20h 11 Reply Lord lugard is entitled to his own opinion,I personally disagree with his assessment of the three major tribes in nigeria.while the hausa/fulani as popularly known today were very hard-working and have an established caliphate with a system of government in place,the yorubas too are hard working and have an established administration like their northern counterpart, the igbos are also brave and hard working lives in their eganitarian society.to me lugard's assessment is purely from his colonial point of view. NwizuAugus·11h 4 Reply fulanis are the wanderers, that's why they are looking for people's land to settle, Yoruba's betrayed Biafrans during civil war and up till now, Igbos are still fighting without authority. so his assessment was correct PrinceJoe_20·13h 4 Reply Hausa own worse o "He has no ambitions"

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